About Maitland Seventh-day Adventist Church

Maitland Adventist Church has been an active part of the community since 1899. Jesus has always been central to our faith and the Bible has always played an important role in the life of our church. Seventh-day Adventists share with all Christians the experience of God's love, and His forgiveness. We are all at various places in our spiritual journey and express our faith in different ways. Visit our FAQ page to find more about what we believe the Bible teaches.

We enjoy fellowship in a relaxed atmosphere and want our guests to feel welcome. Our Sabbath morning programs provide a variety of worship experiences for that are meaningful for all generations. In Maitland we are committed to a wide range of Programs for children, with a strong focus on the 6 - 15 age group. 
In 2011, Maitland Adventist Church is a family friendly community of over one hundred people of all ages. Please feel free to join us for any of our programs or special events. We have an open church and welcome all who are interested in Jesus, and want to know more about Christianity and a life of faith.

Our vision is to see Jesus.  

We value Grace, Diversity, Relevance and Relationships 

Grace - Because of God’s grace to us we seek to be forgiving, accepting and non-judgemental. We recognize that people are at different stages in their faith journey.  We realise that none of us are perfect, that we make mistakes and because none of us have all the answers we are open to learning and growing together.

Diversity - Affirmation of individuals and acceptance of their differences is important to us.  We are all God’s children.  We need each other.  We all have different gifts.  Not only do we want to tolerate diversity, we want to celebrate it in ways that build unity.  By understanding our differences we are better able to understand and appreciate ourselves.  We value the gifts and talents of individuals in our church community and their diverse expressions of worship.

Relevance - We strive to minister with sensitivity to individual needs, awareness of contemporary culture and openness to new methods so that our ministry is meaningful and effective.

Relationships - We seek to be a caring and inclusive family to one another thereby providing mutual support and a place to belong.  An understanding of God, ourselves and others fosters spiritual and emotional maturity.  People are more important than our programs or performance.

As the body of Christ on earth the church exists to bring glory to God and reveal his character of love and mercy thereby bringing people into a renewed relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit our mission is to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ by: 

  • Being a loving community → Fellowship
  • Creating meaningful worship experiences → Worship
  • Nurturing personal and spiritual growth
  • Equipping people for ministry
  • Serving our wider community's needs
  • Communicating God's love with clarity and creativity

Our personal action plan is to:

  • Be loving
  • Worship from the heart
  • Keep on growing
  • Get involved
  • Help others
  • Invite others

Adventists are Protestant Christians: we are a chuch grounded in the teachings of the Bible.
We believe that the Bible is God's word, and that it is our guide for living a fulfilling lifestyle. 

Maitland Adventist Church is a faith community that believes:

  • In a personal God.
  • In Jesus Christ, as our Saviour.
  • In the Holy Spirit, the divine Comforter.
  • In the regeneration and the new birth, by accepting the gospel.
  • That the Bible is the inspired word of God.
  • That righteousness comes by faith not by works.
  • That salvation comes as a gift of God and is not received through any merit of the sinner.
  • In the gifts of the spirit.
  • That the Second Coming of Christ is very near and that it will be literal, personal and visible to all.
  • That man by nature is mortal.
  • That immortality and eternal life are gifts of God and are received only through Christ.
  • That the dead are in an unconscious state.
  • That there will be a resurrection of the dead.
  • That the wicked will not burn eternally, but will be burned up.
  • That the law of the ten commandments represents God's standard of righteousness
  • That the seventh day is the Sabbath and should be kept holy.
  • In support of the gospel through tithes and offerings.
  • In baptism by immersion and the ordinances of the Lord's Supper.
  • In discarding unhealthful practices, such as the use of drugs of all kinds
  • That the followers of Jesus should manifest true Christian modesty in dress and deportment, and should avoid questionable amusements

Visit our  FAQ for more information about our beliefs. Our “28 Fundamental Beliefs” are also explained in detail.

Our Association
We are a congregation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (North NSW Conference) Ltd which is part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: a global network of over 14 million members located in 200 countries across the world. Adventists have a wholistic world view, and operate schools, hospitals and development and relief agencies because we believe in not only caring for the spiritual needs but also the social and physical needs of the community. It is a great family to belong to!

Adventist Church Logo
The logo of the world church reflects the core beliefs that Adventists are committed to.

World Adventist Logo

  • The foundation is the Bible: the Word of God is open - its message read and put into practice
  • Central to our faith is the Cross: it is also central in the logo.
  • Above the Cross and the open Bible is the burning flame of the Holy Spirit.
  • The three lines represent authentic relationship with God involving worship commitment and faith, reflecting the threefold message of Revelation 14: gospel, judgement and deliverance.